Posts Tagged ‘pmc’

Metal Clay and Plating courses in 2012

Sunday, January 15th, 2012

Soigne is very excited to announce new courses in 2012. Starting at the end of January we are introducing 4 kinds of Metal Clay Courses (more details on the website
We are covering all the needs of beginners as well as catering for those who want to learn the entire metal clay spectrum including enameling and mold making for metal clay.

Additionally we have Metal Clay Course where new and veteran parents can now splash out on keepsakes which incorporate an impression of their child’s fingerprints. Or a perfect gift to give to your loved one with a personal message and your fingerprint forever imprinted in pendants, key chains or charms.

Join us for a new plating course where you will be able to transfer your favorite dry organic matter like shells, leaves, flowers etc to pure copper, wearable, jewelery using plating techniques. Without making molds or using casting techniques learn how to make cast-like jewelery. (more details on the website:

For class schedules please check website below:

Soigne classes featured on Tv Shaw Express

Friday, May 28th, 2010

Soigne was pleased to welcome the TV Shaw Express crew who were filming one of its classes. Special thanks to Shaw’s Peter Kim and his filming crew and my awesome students: Mimi, Ewa, Hamideh and Cynthia.
Cynthia was one of the first students of the Soigne ‘Soap and Body Care’ course few years back. The course has really inspired her and awakened her love of natural products, she subsequently started her own line of body care products.
You can watch it all unfold on TV Shaw Express airing Friday 27th of May at 3,6,8 and 10 pm.  If you miss us, the show  will be available online.

Metal Clay Certification – Aprill 16th, 17th, 18th

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

Soigne joined a fantastic 3 day PMC (metal clay) Certificate run by Rio Grande in Snohomish, Washingtown. The course was taught at “The Ranch” where you can take courses lead by world class artists. Randi Harper the owner and the founder of “The Ranch” makes you feel like at home; very welcoming and unforgettable hospitality. Patrick Kusek, senior PMC instructor, made our 3 days worth every penny and great overall experience. I had the chance to meet other jewelery artists  from all over the Washington State and exchange opinions, get advice and learn new methods. You can check every bodies work below. We had to follow Rio Grande guidelines to pass each piece, technique was a key in the final mark.
