4 hours course|$140 plus 5% GST (promo $120)

extra cost for silver | max. 4 students | if our dates don’t work for you we can set it up to your schedule

email beata.kc@gmail.com for dates

April 12th: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm (Saturday)

For students work click HERE

This course is offering a creative approach to making Meditation­ or Spinner Rings that were inspired by the ancient Tibetan Mandalay prayer wheels. One or multiple rings are in motion while the base ring is resting on your finger. They are beautiful, interactive and fun! They also encourage a peaceful state of mind to support stress relieve that will bring you back to the present moment.

During the 4 hours you will learn how to fabricate your own individual Meditation Ring applying basic goldsmithing skills like measuring, design transfer, texturing, soldering and finishing techniques. Each student will leave with a meaningful and unique ring that will not only reflect your design vision but also include a one­ of­ a­ kind piece of jewellery to be loved and cherished. Students are encouraged to bring a ring that might be included as the ‘spinning’ ring as a recycling project.

We’ll have lots of fun exploring your own individual texture with various tools and the rolling mill!