2 hours course|$80 plus $4 GST  (PROMO:  2 participants for $80 +$4 gst and 1 participants for $60 plus $3 gst)

Minimum age is 12, must be accompanied with an adult who register for the class as well.

Why join our classes?

tools and supplies provided | max. 14 students | 

For students work click HERE

To book  please E-mail to email address listed next to the dates below: 

1. Date and time you would like to join and e-transfer $84 for 2

2. Use your email address and date on the e-transfer memo.

3. If you are submitting a payment from a different email address please note that in the email first.


If none of the dates work we will try to open a new date.


Please contact us for more dates:

Below dates still have spots available, we remove dates once they are full.


 March 6th: 6pm-8pm (Thursday) to book this date please email

March 7th: 10am-12pm (Friday) to book this date please email

March 8th: 15pm-7pm (Saturday) to book this date please email

March 11th: 10pm-12pm (Tuesday) to book this date please email

April 2nd: 6pm-8pm (Wednesday) to book this date please email

April 4th: 12pm-2pm (Friday) to book this date please email

April 6th: 3pm-5pm (Sunday) to book this date please email

April 8th: 5pm-7pm (Tuesday) to book this date please email

April 12th: 1:30pm-3:30pm (Saturday) to book this date please email

April 13th: 12pm-2pm (Sunday) to book this date please email

April 13th: 2:30pm-4:30pm (Sunday) to book this date please email

April 22nd: 2pm-4pm (Tuesday) to book this date please email

April 22nd: 5pm-7pm (Tuesday) to book this date please email

April 26th: 3:30pm-5:30pm (Saturday) to book this date please email

For more March/April  etc  … dates please email us to



What coins to bring?

Please bring bunch of coins from your travels, size wise no bigger than 25 Canadian (USA) cents;  small fingers – no bigger than 5 cents sizing

Double/Duo colours will not work

Canadian coins has to be before 2000

Euro cents and USA turns our very nice (any year)

We don’t accept any coins made of STEEL or Aluminium 


Have you ever thought that you could make a beautiful ring from coins? The class will teach you how to make rings from coins. You will leave the class with 1 ring. Will learn how to make the metal softer to work with, how to bend and stretch it as well as polish it and work with a rotary tool. Bring your coin collection from your travels (quarter size or smaller) !!!,

NO refunds. Reschedule fee $10 per person, no closer than 24 hours before the class. 24 hours or less there is 20$ fee to reschedule per person. We understand that Life happens, buses running late, traffic, sickness, the option to reschedule nobody else offers in town :)